Farmers has what we call “power discounts” which means that our discounts are stackable ie. the more discounts you qualify for the more money you can save. We want to help you take advantage of these to help you save money! The most popular discounts are: Going Paperless (getting everything sent to an email) Monthly… [Read More…]
6 Reasons You Don’t Need Life Insurance
1. You are never going to die. 2. You are going to win the lottery. 3. You are going to inherit a fortune. 4. Your children are going to support you. 5. You are never going to retire. 6. The government will take care of you. After 2020, it is quite evident that job… [Read More…]
Get A New Life
This year has been full of uncertainty and fear. I know it has been a truly challenging time for many of our clients. It has caused our family to take a step back and have important conversations about preparing for the future. Two of our kids are working full-time in their careers. Our third is… [Read More…]
If Your Policy Could Talk
Dear Human, This is your Life Insurance Policy. You and I have similar intentions in this world. It is your job to provide food, shelter, clothing, education, health care and many other things for your family. You do all of this while I’m tucked safely away in a box. I have faith and trust in… [Read More…]
Whats Life Got To Do With It?
One of the most lasting ways to show your love to your family members is through the coverage of Life Insurance. Imagine being able to provide your loved ones with established security in case of unexpected circumstance. Questions to Ask Yourself If something happened to me, could my family maintain the same standard of living?… [Read More…]
DE–FENSE: Score a Touchdown with the Policies in Your Starting Lineup
Scheduling a policy review is so important to making sure your current policies are up-to-date. It’s also a time to ensure you are receiving all eligible discounts. Our goal is to help you save money through discounts and simplify your policies. Life Events Update your relationship status: Newly married or recently divorced? We need to… [Read More…]