The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) warns that there is a shocking increase in catalytic converter theft in the nation. This is because the value of the metals it contains is more valuable that the current value of gold. The metals are rhodium, palladium, and platinum. “As of December 2020, rhodium was valued at $14,500… [Read More…]
There’s Snow Place Like Home
We have been enjoying a beautiful fall here in Colorado, but we know that the weather can change in an instant. That’s part of what makes being a Coloradan so exciting; our beloved state keeps us on our toes! Take advantage of the nice weather we have this weekend to get your home ready to… [Read More…]
Bundle Up And Save
Farmers has what we call “power discounts” which means that our discounts are stackable ie. the more discounts you qualify for the more money you can save. We want to help you take advantage of these to help you save money! The most popular discounts are: Going Paperless (getting everything sent to an email) Monthly… [Read More…]
Don’t Make These 8 Home Claim Mistakes
Here are some common mistakes that homeowners make when it comes to filing a claim. We do our best to keep our clients informed. We hope you never have to file a claim, however if you do, take a look at this list to avoid some headache. Our office is committed to helping you every… [Read More…]
Get A New Life
This year has been full of uncertainty and fear. I know it has been a truly challenging time for many of our clients. It has caused our family to take a step back and have important conversations about preparing for the future. Two of our kids are working full-time in their careers. Our third is… [Read More…]
Dust Off Your Toys For Summer
Travel this summer may look a little different. If you are like my family, we are feeling antsy to spend time together in the beautiful outdoors, especially in our home state of Colorado If you are planning a trip, now is the time to start dusting off your toys to get them ready for the… [Read More…]